Rammstein Mein Teil lyrics with English translation

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„Suche gut gebauten achtzehn- bis dreißigjährigen zum Schlachten“ “Looking for a well-built 18 to 30-year-old to be slaughtered”
Der Metzgermeister The Master Butcher
Heute treff’ ich einen Herrn Today I will meet a gentleman
Der hat mich zum Fressen gern He likes me so much he could eat me up
Weiche Teile und auch harte Soft parts and even hard ones
Stehen auf der Speisekarte Are on the menu
Denn du bist was du isst Because you are what you eat
Und ihr wisst was es ist And you know what it is
Es ist mein Teil – nein It is my part – no
Mein Teil – nein My part – no
Da das ist mein Teil – nein There that’s my part – no
Mein Teil – nein My part – no
Die stumpfe Klinge gut und recht The dull blade good and proper
Ich blute stark und mir ist schlecht I’m bleeding heavily and feeling sick
Muss ich auch mit der Ohnmacht kämpfen Although I have to fight to stay awake
Ich esse weiter unter Krämpfen I keep eating while in convulsions
Ist doch so gut gewürzt It’s just so well seasoned
Und so schön flambiert And so nicely flambéed
Und so liebevoll auf Porzellan serviert And so lovingly served on porcelain
Dazu ein guter Wein And with it, a good wine
Und zarter Kerzenschein And gentle candlelight
Ja da lass ich mir Zeit Yeah I’ll take my time
Etwas Kultur muss sein You’ve got to have some culture
Denn du bist was du isst Because you are what you eat
Und ihr wisst was es ist And you know what it is
Es ist mein Teil – nein It is my part – no
Mein Teil – nein My part – no
Denn das ist mein Teil – nein Because that’s my part – no
Yes it’s mein Teil – nein Yes it’s my part – no
Ein Schrei wird zum Himmel fahren A cry will ascend to heaven
Schneidet sich durch Engelsscharen It will cut through hosts of angels
Vom Wolkendach fällt Federfleisch Feather-flesh will shriekingly fall
Auf meine Kindheit mit Gekreisch From the top of the clouds onto my childhood
Es ist mein Teil – nein It is my part – no
Mein Teil – nein My part – no
Da das ist mein Teil – nein Because that’s my part – no
Mein Teil – nein Yes it’s my part – no
Es ist mein Teil – nein It is my part – no
Mein Teil – nein My part – no
Denn das ist mein Teil – nein Because that’s my part – no
Yes it’s mein Teil – nein Yes it’s my part – no

Mein Teil was inspired by the 2001 Armin Meiwes cannibalism case. The lyric was written after one of the band members brought a newspaper with the story to a rehearsal. “Mein Teil” attracted controversy in Germany, with the media dubbing it the “Kannibalensong”, and this helped to boost it to second place in the German music charts after its release in early August 2004. The song has also been remixed by Arthur Baker and Pet Shop Boys (these versions are included on the CD single).


In live performance, Till Lindemann appears dressed as a blood-stained chef holding a microphone with a large butcher’s knife attached to the end. He pulls out a giant cooking pot with a portable keyboard attached to one side. Keyboardist Christian “Flake” Lorenz appears in the pot, with metal cylinders attached to his arms and legs, and plays the keyboard during the song. After the second chorus, Till takes a flamethrower and roasts the bottom of the pot, “cooking” Flake. Flake escapes from the pot and starts running around the stage with flames erupting from his arms and legs, while chased by a knife-wielding Till.

The video shows Till eating and copulating with an angel; Flake performing ballet; Richard wrestling his twin, Oliver writhing on the floor; the whole band fighting in a mudpit; and five of the band members crawling out of a Berlin U-Bahn (subway) station while held on leashes carried by Christoph Schneider dressed as a woman. This content led to its airing on TV being restricted to after 11pm.


  1. The translation is actually correct, just for some reason the chorus and the verse there got juxtaposed. Or at least that’s the way it shows up on my phone.

  2. The lyrics are incorrect. ‘Ein Schrei wird zum Himmel fahren’ means ‘A scream will go to heaven’ not ‘It is my part ““ no’

    • In the making of the music video. Till says “Mein Teil” refers to Brandes’ penis as well as what part of the event Brandes played aka the willing victim.

  3. A better translation for “mein teil” is “my piece” instead of my part. Like kids fighting over a piece of cake. This is my piece!! Teil means part but it also means piece. It also better describe the innuendo of this song that the my piece is actually my penis. As disgusting as it sounds..the song is about the butcher and the victim eating the victims penis together.

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