Rammstein Links 2,3,4 lyrics with English translation

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Kann man Herzen brechen Can hearts be broken
können Herzen sprechen could hearts talk
kann man Herzen quählen can hearts get pained
kann man Herzen stehlen can hearts get stolen
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck they want my heart on the right place
doch seh ich dann nach unten weck but if i look down on me
dann schlägt es links then it beats left
links left
können Herzen singen can hearts sing
kann ein Herz zerspringen can a heart burst
können Herzen rein sein can hearts be pure
kann ein Herz aus Stein sein can a heart be of stone
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck they want my heart on the right place
doch seh ich dann nach unten weck but if i look down on me
dann schlägt es links then it beats left
links … links … links left … left … left
links zwo drei vier left two three four
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo drei vier left two three four
kann man Herzen fragen can hearts be asked
ein Kind darunter tragen could there be a child under it
kann man es verschenken can you give it away
mit dem Herzen denken with the heart thinking
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck they want my heart on the right place
doch seh ich dann nach unten weck but if i look down on me
dann schlägt es in der linken Brust then it beats in the left breast
der Neider hat es schlecht gewußt the envier knows it´s bad
links, links, links, links left, left, left, left
links zwo drei vier, links left two three four, left
links zwo drei vier, links left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left

This song was written in response to the many claims that Rammstein are Nazis that badly influenced various school shootings. The song’s chorus shows that the band’s political views are on the left (2 3 4). The song also has a double meaning. The line “Links 2 3 4″³ also means that their hearts beat on the left.


Links zwo, drei, vier (Left 2 (both zwo and zwei mean 2 in German but due to their similar sounds zwo is used here) 3 4)is also a German army chant.


  1. Wow!! You People got seriously pissy with your views on this song. It all really boils down to hidden meanings. Till ALWAYS has written his lyrics with camouflaged intentions. Multiple meanings hidden within most of the time. But what he loves most is for people to interpret the music in their own way, personal to themselves.

  2. Rammstein was so based for this

    Also lmfao at all the rightoids coping in the comments. If you write more essays interpreting every last word of a song in a language you don’t speak, Till Lindemann will personally go to your house and shag you. Trust me, my uncle works at Nintendo and told me this is all true.

  3. If you consider how militant “links zwo drei vier” sounds, the song could also be understood as a description of a person who has decided to become part of extreme left wing. Repetition of the chorus then would describe how even in the far left they are marching to someone’s beat, in similar way than the nazis did.

    • Yeah because the only thing bad that the Nazis did was having an organized military… This is inspired by military marches. If a cause is just, you should militate for it.

  4. My brother is a close friend to Lindemann, and I know that he is neither Left or Right. He is apolitical. The band has complete disdain for most all governments, Left or Right. They have lived through and seen the outcome of a Left totalitarian state as well as more distantly, the Right. Government is the enemy. It makes no difference which brand. Flake is a bit romantic about the GDR, but I think that is more likely nostalgic in roots as his world was much smaller. So when they say, he will always be a citizen of the GDR, I strongly doubt that it is the rigid controls he is reminescent about but rather the smaller world, the single language, the security (not the control). Throughout the old Soviet Union, this nostalgia is not uncommon especially if you have family in “the Party” and life was better for you.

  5. What are you guys saying, they literally said they miss the socialist government, as people had more security in housing, jobs and food
    Their hearts beat on the left because.. they’re socialists

    • I strongly disagree. I know the band indirectly and that is not even close. They certainly enjoy you all trying to figure it out. I can tell you if you know Rammstein, then you know that they never tell a story in a straight forward manner. Never! So taking this Links thing too literally is not thinking deep enough about it. You cannot tell me that if we were back in the GDR in 1980 that the band would be good little socialist. C’mon. You all know the band better than that. They are probably all laughing their asses off right now at the thought of you all rambling about this.

  6. Ok! Interesting views and points made by everyone.

    I have constructed a trippy theory.
    While trying to dive deep into the lyrics. I find them double-edged and filled with irony, sarcasm and highly intelligent humor.
    And a philosophy bridging between the lyrics. All embedded in phrasal metaphors and synonyms.
    NOT what I expected. Since the first impression is that the lyrics are just simple rhymes and verses.
    But from what I’ve interpreted is that it isn’t the first meaning. OR the second interpretation that is the intended.
    But the underlying sarcasm and irony to society and civilizations mainstream views and values.
    So “Links Zwo, Drei, Vier” is more a statement that Rammsteins political philosophy ascends the normal views & values.
    They are neither. Making the argument of which political side they belong completely mute.
    Rammstein communicates through their music. That all political polarization is a way of “the man”
    to split society and pitting the people at each other. Instead of focusing on, and fighting, -the real social injustices.

    To do the “right” thing is in ones own view the correct way.
    But who can say they are the ones with the correct view without loosing their humanity in the process.
    By putting together the philosophies of Rammsteins lyrics it become clear.
    They want to open peoples eyes to the real problems in the world.
    But by criticizing the system to clearly. Could (and would) cause Rammstein problems to bring out the message.
    They would be burned at the stake by (the 1% owned) mainstream-media saying they condone school-shootings,
    -proclamation of extremist politics (as with the angle of Nazi-labeling them),
    -and making them “professionally excommunicated” by the music-industry.

    For example:
    Rammstein finally had become big and powerful enough to successfully release “America”.
    A song literally criticizing the U.S-consumerism that is force-fed to the rest of the world.
    It became a hit despite of openly criticizing the world biggest music-industry-nation.
    An epic win for Rammstein.

    Believe me in the statement that larger powers are working over our heads.
    The real (1%) fascist masterminds – that controls the governments and the political landscape.
    And doing so controls every human-being on this planet as mind-controlled puppets.
    THAT is what Rammstein wants to overthrow.

    Rammstein literally grew up in a politically controlled fascist state.
    So they have insight into this, -believe you me.
    They escaped a fascist state to find that the whole world is controlled by a fascist “shadow-state”.

    And they want to open our eyes and understand the world.
    That is what their hearts burn for. Liberation and freedom.
    And rock ‘n Roll the shit out of everyone in the process 😉

    Peace Love Unity Respect 2 y’all, -brothers and sisters.

    ((Fuck!! -this acid is strong))

  7. Your translation is a bit off.
    Also your assertion that people you do not know share your snowflake political ideals is ridiculous.
    The lyrics are obviously about standing out from the mob of thought police that you obviously subscribe to. In other words the complete opposite of what you said.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and attempting the translation. Hopefully you think about your so called ‘left’ and maybe you might see who the real brown shirts are nowadays.

  8. The right and left i personally think have nothing to do with the political spectrum, i think that he means that the right side is the side that everybody wants them to be on, which can be either left or right wing depending on the person, he is just pissed that even his own peole accuse him of such atrocities, and as a society both sides do this to eachother, he is on the left side away from society, a mis of left and right values, and the video shows the left side of the formation and the right side working together to destroy the great evil attacking them.

  9. National Socialist “Nazis” CLAIMED to be socialist. They were called national socialist German workers party. They’re more a national German than a socialist workers party. It was left-center force, a left socialist pro-workers, industrialist, anti-monarchist, anti-religious, pro-women rights, pro-animal rights, anti-capitalist, anti-monarchist, anti-colonialist party.

    “I am a Socialist, and a very different kind of Socialist than your rich friend, Reventlow. I was once an ordinary working-man. I would not allow my chauffeur to eat worse than I eat myself. What you understand about Socialism is nothing but Marxism. Now look: the great mass of working-men want only bread and circuses. They have no understanding for ideal of any sort whatever, and we can never hope to win the workers to any large extent by an appeal to ideals. We want to make a revolution for the new dominating caste which is not moved, as you are, by the ethis of pity, but is quite clear in its own mind that it has the right to dominate others because it represents a better race: this caste ruthlessly maintains and assures its dominance over the masses”- Hitler

    • The first people to be sent to concentration camps were Communists, the socialists, Trade Unionists and after that Jews

      A core belief of Nazism is ‘Judeo-Bolshivism’, the Jews are responsible, and are in charge of, communism

      Why would they send their supporters to concentration camps?
      Why would socialists blame hated people for their ideology?
      Why would they start a war with the only other Communist states in the world?

      Answer: They weren’t Communists, or Socialists. They hated communism.

      • That the Naziparty was left, ist one of the newest lies of altright, that came up. And its absolutly nonsense, not worth to discuss about.

  10. Why is
    “Kann man Herzen brechen
    können Herzen sprechen
    kann man Herzen quählen
    kann man Herzen stehlen”

    translated into

    “Can hearts be broken
    could hearts talk
    can hearts get pained
    can hearts get stolen”

    When it’s actually
    “Are you able to break a heart?
    Are hearts able to talk?
    Are hearts able to be pained?
    Are you able to steal hearts?”

  11. Drum links, zwei, drei!
    Drum links, zwei, drei!
    Wo dein Platz, Genosse, ist!
    Reih dich ein in die Arbeitereinheitsfront
    Weil du auch ein Arbeiter bist!

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