Rammstein Links 2,3,4 lyrics with English translation

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Kann man Herzen brechen Can hearts be broken
können Herzen sprechen could hearts talk
kann man Herzen quählen can hearts get pained
kann man Herzen stehlen can hearts get stolen
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck they want my heart on the right place
doch seh ich dann nach unten weck but if i look down on me
dann schlägt es links then it beats left
links left
können Herzen singen can hearts sing
kann ein Herz zerspringen can a heart burst
können Herzen rein sein can hearts be pure
kann ein Herz aus Stein sein can a heart be of stone
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck they want my heart on the right place
doch seh ich dann nach unten weck but if i look down on me
dann schlägt es links then it beats left
links … links … links left … left … left
links zwo drei vier left two three four
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo drei vier left two three four
kann man Herzen fragen can hearts be asked
ein Kind darunter tragen could there be a child under it
kann man es verschenken can you give it away
mit dem Herzen denken with the heart thinking
Sie wollen mein Herz am rechten Fleck they want my heart on the right place
doch seh ich dann nach unten weck but if i look down on me
dann schlägt es in der linken Brust then it beats in the left breast
der Neider hat es schlecht gewußt the envier knows it´s bad
links, links, links, links left, left, left, left
links zwo drei vier, links left two three four, left
links zwo drei vier, links left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left
links zwo, links zwo, links zwo drei vier, links left two, left two, left two three four, left

This song was written in response to the many claims that Rammstein are Nazis that badly influenced various school shootings. The song’s chorus shows that the band’s political views are on the left (2 3 4). The song also has a double meaning. The line “Links 2 3 4″³ also means that their hearts beat on the left.


Links zwo, drei, vier (Left 2 (both zwo and zwei mean 2 in German but due to their similar sounds zwo is used here) 3 4)is also a German army chant.


  1. This Band has helped me be even more proud of My German Heritage.these guys are awesome! RAMMSTEIN IST WUNDERBAR

    • Yea, I have much Prussian heritage in me which I use more than being American! If anyone is German, be proud, be happy, and honor your blot

  2. Funny that they sing LINKS. The nazis and communist ARE on the left of the political specrum. So Rammstein just reafirmed everyones fears.

    • Learn your political spectrum before you show your stupidity. Nazis are Fascists and on the far right of the poitical spectrum opposite of Communists and Socialists.

    • Mate, Nazis ARE socialists. Nazi is literally short for National Socialist, as in the National Socialist German Workers’ Party?

    • “Seahorses” have “horses” on their name. It doesnt mean they are horses. Political analisys consists oficial more than just reading names mate lol.

    • Wrong. Nazis CLAIMED to be socialist. They were called national socialist German workers party. They’re more a national German than a socialist workers party. They tended more to either side depending on what’s popular at the time, however if you look at their policies, they are certainly not socialist, nor left in general.

  3. Rammstein always fuck with your minds. Also in this song.

    “Sie woll´n mein Herz am rechten Fleck”, can mean both, that people want them have them politically right-winged but it means also to have good manners.

    “doch seh ich dann nach unten weck dann schlägt es links” can mean, that they actually are politically left-winged but also that of course as a fact the heart is on the left side of your body.

    so in fact this does not state anything. typically Rammstein.

    BUT. In interviews they (flake) confirmed that this song is clearly written to state their political orientation, as an answer to all those people and media who tried to put them into political right corner.
    This makes also complete sense, since part of the band played in punk bands before.
    Here is the archive of the interview: http://www.breakoutmagazin.de/archiv/aram11.html
    It is in german however.

    “der Neider hat es schlecht gewußt” means, “the envier did know it wrongly”, which is to say to the media and people who do not allow them success and therefore due to envy try to put them in the political right corner that they all were wrong and in fact they are left-winged.
    really clear statement.

    • I’m coming to this comment late af, but I love that Flake confirmed the exact meaning and purpose of this song, and yet there are pages of alt-right apologists here claiming the exact opposite. Oh, yOuR fRiEnD oF a FrIeNd “knows” the band…. Well, Flake is *in* the fucking band. I think he would know (especially given his massive creative contributions to their work). ‍♀️

  4. This song rocks! Can’t get enough. Glad I went back and started to listening to them. Mein Land too is the awesome rock

  5. Vielleicht hab’ ich Unrecht, aber ich wuerde eine andere uebersetzung vorschlagen. “das Herz an rechten Fleck haben” passt einem idiomatischen englischen Ausdruck, “to have your heart in the right place”. Dieser ausdruck auf Englisch bedeutet, dass man gute Sitten hat; ich glaube – aber achten Sie, bitte, dass ich noch Deutsch lerne, dass es bedeutet auch so auf Deutsch. Im Kontext des Lieds kann so ein Satz zweideutlich sein. Es kann als “ich bin boese trotz seiner Wuenschen” verstanded werden, aber auch etwas anders. Vielleicht ist “den rechten Fleck” nur so genannt, weil es Brauch, Tradition, oder erwartet ist. Till muss sich dann entscheiden, da sagt er “doch seh ich dann nach unten weck.” nach er darueber nachgedacht hat, entscheidet er sich, dass er brauchgesteuerte Ideale nicht glauben kann (recht – ehrenvolle Moralitaet? es kann so sein, aber kann auch als politische Identitaet benutzt werden). darum schlaegt er das Herz ‘links’. da kann man (oder, hab ich) das Lied verstehen. Till, oder der Hauptsprecher, ist nicht echt boese, er moechte nur noch weiter ueber echte ehrenvolle Moralitaet nachdenken. denn er glaubt aber nicht an dieselbe Wunschbilder, scheint er der Gemeinschaft boese, ohne etwas unmoralisches zu tun. er wird davon fuer einen Nazi gehalten, und darum sagen die Stimmen “Links, zwo, drei, vier” als ob er ein Nazisoldat ist. Seinen schwer nachgedachte Ideale wird durch Denkfaulheit und den ewigen Brauch immer missverstanden werden.,,,,,,
    also, ich hab lang geschrieben lol, aber bitte sag mir, wenn, euren Meinungen nach, etwas nicht passt.

  6. If he were speaking English, he’d say it more like this:

    They want my heart to be on my right side
    But I look down and see
    That it beats on my left

  7. Links 2,3,4 is a “Punk anthem” (text+background from band) !
    and the “right touch” that some guys hear is pure irony.

    the song was made agains german/int. media accusations that they are “right”.

    sorry for my bad english, im german ;p


    Being German and Being Proud of your country is NOT to be confused with being a Nazi. (You didn’t even spell it right!) I am an American. I would think that there are quit a few Americans that are proud of their country. THAT does not make them part of the KKK or the Black Panthers. It does not make them anti Semites. It does not Advocate Nazism. I think about all of the Scheiße that RAMMSTEIN have had to put up with because of a certin group or belief.

    I for one,…. my heart goes out to you Rammstein.

    You guys have written some of the most thought-provoking, insightful, honest, beautiful pieces of music on the planet. Truly made to stand the test of time.

    It is this narrow-minded, inconsiderate, uncompromising behavior that still pressing these issues. I am sure they are tired of beating a dead horse…….. if you can’t comprehend don’t try.

    Some lead, some follow
    Heart and soul, hand in hand
    Forwards, forwards, don’t stop
    Reason gains meaning and form

  9. I do not know why you people trying to say that rammstein is not a natzi group. it is a very easy to understand that they hearts are with their fathers and with their fatherland but they cant say it with the common tongue so they use simbols to say what is in their hearts.

  10. I agree with P.
    the song sounds extremely right wing for people who can’t understand German and what he’s saying.

    Those are generally the people who will assume they are Nazis- they’re judging what they don’t understand.

  11. Ok, cna we consider the fact that they’re just using the whole “heart” thing just to sing? Can we not look too deeply into this and just pump up the volume and make our ears bleed and faces melt from pure awsome metal?

  12. why the F- would it show their political view? isnt it obvious rammstein doesnt mess with that kind of stuff? ffs >.<

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