Rammstein Liese lyrics with English translation

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Sonntag auf der Ammerwiese Sunday at Bunting Meadow
hütet Gänse brav die Liese Liese virtuously herds the Geese
Da kommt Jakob angerannt, Then Jakob comes running up
hält eine Sichel in der Hand holding a sickle in his hand
Diese schiebt er hin und wieder This he pushes here and there
dem Lieschen unter Rock und Mieder Little Liese under her skirt and bodice
Er will sie kosten, will sie zwingen He wants to taste her, wants to force her
und der Bub’ wird dazu singen and the boy will sing then
Liebe Liese, lass die Gänse, Dear Liese, let the geese be,
ich will von deiner Haut probieren I want to try your skin
Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, The scythe is rusty from the blood,
bist du freundlich nicht zu mir if you are not friendly to me.
Der Jakob darf vom Lieschen lecken Jakob is allowed to lick little Liese
und sie wird nach Birne schmecken and it shall taste like pear
Sich kleine Härchen aufgestellt, Small hairs erected
eilen sie zum Weizenfeld they hurry to the wheatfield.
In der Goldflut gut versteckt, In the golden flood* well hidden
hat er die Liese angesteckt He has infected Liese
Hält bis zum Abend sie eng umschlungen He held her until the evening, embracing her tightly
und hat in das Kind gesungen and sung into the child
Liebe Liese lass die Gänse, Dear Liese, let the geese be,
ich will von deiner Haut probieren I want to try your skin
Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, The scythe is rusty from the blood,
bist du freundlich nicht zu mir if you are not friendly to me.
Liebe Liese, lass die Gänse, Dear Liese, let the geese be,
ich will von deiner Haut probieren I want to try your skin
Vom Blute rostig ist die Sense, The scythe is rusty from the blood,
bist du freundlich nicht zu mir if you are not friendly to me.
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

* a metaphor for the wheatfield


Submited by Caleb Wilson


  1. this song is obviously about rape. if you think anything else, you didn’t read the lyrics correctly.

    “holding a sickle in his hand”
    why would he be holding a weapon if this was consensual?

    “he pushes here and there”
    pushing is typically forceful

    “he wants to force her”
    key word: FORCE

    “the scythe is rusty from the blood if you are not friendly with me”
    he is using a weapon as a means of forcing her into submission. this is FORCE. force is NOT consensual.

    “he has infected liese”
    in NO way is the word infected a positive one, it is quite literally the opposite.

    “he sung into the child”
    liese is a CHILD.

    so, if you think this song is somehow about something other than rape you’re wrong. also, to the people who think that this song is a metaphor for war or germany or something: this song was thought up in 8 minutes. i doubt a song thought up in 8 minutes would have some crazy underlying metaphor

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