Rammstein Keine Lust lyrics with English translation

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Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it
Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it
Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it
Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it
Ich habe keine Lust mich nicht zu hassen I don’t feel like not hating myself
Hab’ keine Lust mich anzufassen Don’t feel like touching myself
Ich hätte Lust zu onanieren I would feel like masturbating
Hab’ keine Lust es zu probieren Don’t feel like trying it
Ich hätte Lust mich auszuziehen I would feel like getting undressed
Hab’ keine Lust mich nackt zu sehen Don’t feel like seeing myself naked
Ich hätte Lust mit grossen Tieren I would feel like it with big animals
Hab’ keine Lust es zu riskieren Don’t feel like risking it
Hab’ keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen Don’t feel like going from the snow
Hab’ keine Lust zu erfrieren Don’t feel like freezing
Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it
Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it
Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it
Nein ich hab keine Lust No I don’t feel like it
Ich hab’ keine Lust etwas zu kauen I don’t feel like chewing anything
Denn ich hab’ keine Lust es zu verdauen because I don’t feel like digesting it
Hab’ keine Lust mich zu wiegen Don’t feel like weighing myself
Hab’ keine Lust im Fett zu liegen Don’t feel like lying in fat
Ich hätte Lust mit grossen Tieren I would feel like it with big animals
Hab’ keine Lust es zu riskieren Don’t feel like risking it
Hab’ keine Lust vom Schnee zu gehen Don’t feel like going from the snow
Hab’ keine Lust zu erfrieren Don’t feel like freezing
Ich bleibe einfach liegen I’ll just keep lying here
Und wieder zähle ich die Fliegen and I’ll count the flies again
Lustlos fasse ich mich an I listlessly touch myself
Und merke bald ich bin schon lange kalt and notice I’ve been frigid for a long time already
So kalt, mir ist kalt . . . So frigid, I’m cold . . .
Ich hab’ keine Lust I don’t feel like it

“Keine Lust”, also released as a single, digipack and two-track, describes the band’s disaffection with fame and money. The video, filmed in January 2005 and released a month later, portrays an aged, fat future version of the band, playing a reunion. Flake appears in a motorized wheelchair. At the end of the video, the rest of the band abandons Flake, after he arrives late. The video was nominated for the MTV European Music Awards in November 2005.


On the video “The Making of Keine Lust”, guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe discusses the meaning of the song and video:

“You know, after all of these years we’re full-up! Fame, success, money. We don’t want to do anything anymore! Nothing! That’s the idea in the song. We’ve returned to the starting point again. We just want to make music again. We don’t want all the circus that goes with it anymore. So, we meet up again, one more time, for one more performance – just to make music together. The fact that we are fat is just symbolic for excess. It’s really just about returning to the beginning.”


  1. I think something(s) might be lost in translation here:
    “Ich hab’ keine Lust.” literally means “I have no desire.” And, I think that more matches with the music video, as the fat men are completely uninterested in the “hot” girls around them.

    Also, in learning College-Level German, from a Native German, he said when discussing the weather, you don’t say “Ich bin kalt,” as this is slang for “I am gay.” He also said Germans generally like to think of gays as being asexual. Which also fits with the music video, but not being German, I’ve no idea of the social context of these lyrics.

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