Rammstein Halleluja lyric with English translation

Er ist fromm und sehr sensibel
an seiner Wand ein Bild des Herrn
er wischt die Flecken von der Bibel
das Abendmahl verteilt er gern

Er liebt die Knaben aus dem Chor
sie halten ihre Seelen rein
doch Sorge macht ihm der Tenor
so muss er ihm am nächsten sein
auf seinem Nachttisch still und stumm
ein Bild des Herrn
er dreht es langsam um

Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt
faltet er die Hände zum Gebet
er ist ohne Weib geblieben
so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben

Der junge Mann darf bei ihm bleiben
die Sünde nistet überm Bein
so hilft er gern sie auszutreiben
bei Musik und Kerzenschein

Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt
faltet er die Hände zum Gebet
er ist ohne Weib geblieben
so muss er seinen Nächsten lieben

Wenn die Turmuhr zweimal schlägt
nimmt er den Jungen ins Gebet
er ist der wahre Christ
und weiß, was Nächstenliebe ist

Dreh dich langsam um
dreh dich um
He is religious and very sensitive
on his wall is a picture of the Lord
he wipes the spots from the Bible
he gladly distributes the Communion

He loves the boys in the choir
they keep their souls pure
but the tenor worries him
so he must be the closest to him
on his nightstand, quiet and wordless
a picture of the Lord
he slowly turns it around

When the church clock strikes twice
he folds his hands for prayer
he has remained without a wife
so he must love his neighbor

The young man is allowed to stay with him
the sin nests above the leg
so he gladly helps to exorcize it
to music and candlelight

When the church clock strikes twice
he folds his hands for prayer
he has remained without a wife
so he must love his neighbor

When the church clock strikes twice
he takes the boy into his prayers
he is the true Christian
and knows what charity is

Turn around slowly
Turn around


  1. I was a youth leader within the Roman Catholic church and can say there is a lot of this subject matter which isn’t spoken of. Sometimes it is a sin of the mind, sometimes it is the physical sin, but there are some priests like this. Many (MANY) Catholics do call themselves True Christians, but I think what this actually refers to is the biblical versus societal hypocrisy. The Bible states rape is okay as long as the rapist marries his victim, just as it supports abortion if done by a temple priest to prove infidelity. There are still countries which are branded Christian nations, and support child-brides as well, so it’s really not all that unheard of that someone points it out. That it’s Rammstein is absolutely no surprise, as they tend to tackle some of the darker aspects within society – those things we keep hidden or turn a blind eye to.

    There’s a lot of imagery within this photo support that the priest subject perhaps knows his sim is just that – a sin – but also knows the ‘tenor’ in question is of an age wherein they might be exploratory, as in pre-pubescent. When it discusses how he (the priest) turns the picture of Christ away during his own actions, it’s because he knows his urges and behaviors are not supported by the Christ he promotes.

    This song is just rife with a lot of emotion and imagery which, yes, can and has made people uncomfortable, but I think this discomfort begets discussion and recognition that this is still happening within our churches of all creeds, and that we need to understand our religious leaders are people who are not infallible, but that we also need to protect our children as well.

  2. 1. Unless you wrote the lyrics, don’t put words and meanings into something you did not write, it is not your Right to put words in other people’s mouths., especially when they make a living doing so. Unless you wrote it you really do not know what it is about unless the person who did write it specifically tells you what it’s about.
    2.The Majority of Germans are LUTHERANS not Catholics!
    3.Pedophellia in any version of Christianity has been going on for Centuries, and unfortunately there’s no sign of stopping anytime soon, especially when it’s not even acknowledged. There are Good and Bad in every faith.
    4. There’s famous male singers like Axel Rose who could sing tenor by age 10,so could Layne Staley by age 11. It is possible if you are gifted enough to be able to access both sets of vocal chords, and yes, most humans have two sets of vocal chords, Ventricular and Inferior. Before humans understood anatomy and science things like this would be considered “possesion”.
    5. Are you all new? Rammstein sings about the darkness of Humanity in just about every song they create, it’s what they do. Get over it or don’t listen.

    • Nice gatekeeping bro, interpretation of art is for everyone. There is no secret to be unlocked from rammstein songs, they are open ended to create dialogue and a variety of interpretations.

    • Dude….wtf…RELAX….The lyrics are pretty straight forward so i dont think the other gentleman was that far off as to insult the writer of the song even if the writter meant it differently. Personally i think all songs are open for each person to interpret as to how it may relate in their life and experiences if not it makes music and lyrics to ridgid to enjoy or relate to.
      And WTH was if you dont like it dont listen to it all about??? You really need to chill and pull that stick out of your ass!!!!!

  3. Truly Challenging Song! As a Christian I have no problem with the Lyrics of “er ist der wahre Christ” [he is the true Christian] because this is how the Catholic Church Describes itself! It has a lot to answer to! The issue of Pedophilia being covered up is high on that long list!! And I truly believe that The Whore Of Babylon spoken of in Revelations IS the Roman Catholic Church – which is as corrupted and so perverse from what God intended, much as a whore would have been viewed as at the time of it’s writing.

  4. Im not for religion in general, its a messed up system to hold people back from experiencing total truth. Even then, Christians are not like this. People that want to relate the actions of one to a whole system then you might as well be an idiot because its the same concept as hating different races because one race did something stupid, same thing with gender problems.

  5. Actually, unless Rammstein made a big mistake, this song isn’t about pedophiles. There are no boy Tenors, which means the person sharing the priest’s bed is post-adolescent.

    • I am glad that you have already pointed that out. I was about to post a similar comment, before I read yours. That being said, the word “Hallelujah” is not sung by a tenor, but by a child, presumably a boy soprano — and by the way not a very good one (maybe Rammstein should have asked the Tölzer Knabenchor, but Tölz boys don’t sound angelic at all).
      So, what did Lindemann and the group have in mind? That the priest is actually attracted to young boys, but refrain himself from this sexual drive and turns to older adolescents or young men instead, as a lesser evil? Which could mean that this song is actually less harsh with such priests that it seems.

      • i dont know if this answers anything but the “hallelujah” singing comes from an online sample library (symphony of voices by spectrasonics) and is also where the Sonne background singing is from

    • In that one line in the verse saying ‘worry makes him the tenor’ in my interpretation/understanding is one of the boys in the choir trying to sing as he has already broke tenor so he tries not to become another victim of this disgusting pedophile priest. Because that is what this priest wants to sexually abuse. So if this boy pretends to break tenor and have a deeper voice then maybe he is thinking to himself that he won’t be a target to the priest.

  6. I’m a practicing Christian and I have a mixed feelings about this song.

    1) It it true that some priests engaged in inappropriate sex relationships. True, however the percentage sex offenders among priest is equally high as among teacher. We don’t get as many songs about pedo teachers.

    2) Having said that i condemn any wrong doing of priests. I’m glad that there is public eye on these problems.

    3) I love Rammestain 😀

    • A priest engaging with a child or a teen is not an innapropiate sexual relationship, it’s rape. A relationship can be build in equality, not in abuse of authority or breach of trust.
      Teachers are not protected as priests are from the Church, even building pedo rings to exploit children further with total impunity.

    • I know catholics call them selves true christians, but I wish they didn’t. Mass confushion between “true christians” and “born again christians”

      • Every Catholic ive ever met seems to call themselves “devout” never m1ndint that they rarely if ever go to church.

  7. Interesting lyrics looking into Catholicism.

    Most of the readers on here seem to think Catholics=Christians.

    Couldn’t be farther from the truth. Christian ministers don’t seal themselves off from women. Catholic priests and those in higher rank do. So on and so forth.

    Either way, it was interesting to see the lyrics’ translation and what it actually meant instead of what I imagined when I heard the song.

  8. Rammstein is twisted.
    Pedophile priests are twisted.
    Rammstein writes songs about twisted people.
    We are twisted because we love it so…

    Maybe Rammstien will write a song about us?

  9. Look its simple to understand, Rammstein are not knocking the whole religion they are pointing out that it has its flaws…And for all those of you racists that are just looking for an excuse to insult christianity think of all other religions…None are perfect, more importantly this isn’t the place to post your anti-religious posts… This song is brilliant regardless of what you interpret from it.

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