Rammstein Deutschland lyrics with English translation

Album: Rammstein | Video: Deutschland | Single: Deutschland

Buy Rammstein song “Deutchland” on Amazon

Du hast viel geweint You have cried a lot
Im Geist getrennt In the mind apart
Im Herz vereint In the heart united
Wir sind schon sehr lang zusammen We have been together for a very long time
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
Das Herz in Flammen The heart in flames
Du You
Ich I
Wir Us
Ihr You
Deutschland Germany
Mein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Ich I
Ich will dich nie verlassen I never want to leave you
Man kann dich lieben One want to love you
Und will dich hassen and want to hate you
Überheblich Overbearing (arrogant)
Überlegen Superior
Übernehmen to take over
Übergeben to surrender
Überraschen Surprising
Überfallen to attack (to assault, raid, invade)
Deutschland Deutschland über allen Germany Germany over everyone
Deutschland Germany
Mein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Dein Atem kalt Your breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Deutschland Germany
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen Your love is a curse and a blessing
Deutschland Germany
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben My love i cannot give to you
Deutschland Germany
Deutschland Germany
Du You
Ich I
Wir Us
Ihr You
Übermächtig Superior
Überflüssig Needles
Übermenschen Beyond-Man*
Überdrüssig Sick of
Wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen The higher you climb, the farther you fall
Deutschland Deutschland über allen Germany Germany over everyone
Deutschland Germany
Dein Herz in Flammen My heart in flames
Will dich lieben und verdammen want to love you want to damn you
Deutschland Germany
Mein Atem kalt My breath is cold
So jung so young
Und doch so alt and yet so old
Deutschland Germany
Deine Liebe ist Fluch und Segen Your love is a curse and a blessing
Deutschland Germany
Meine Liebe kann ich dir nicht geben My love I cannot give to you
Deutschland Germany
Lyric © Rammstein Translation © Affenknecht.com

Translation Notes:

* The term Übermensch (German for “Beyond-Man”, “Superman”, “Overman”, “Superhuman”, “Hyperman”, “Hyperhuman”) was used frequently by the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race.


  1. This is one of my FAVORITE SONGS! This is the 3rd song I ever herd from Rammstein (Coming in first “Sonne” and “Du Hast”), I LOVE THIS SONG ALOT, LIKE ALOT! The bigging is amazing the way he sings is just amazing. The amount of power a depth he adds to that part, he sounds like a goddess. Me and my friend love this song together and will forever be our number 1 favorite. This is so off topic BUT DOES ANYONE ELSE THINK THE JACKET MERCH FROM RAMMSTEIN IS EXPENSIVE? ALMOST 300 DOLLARS FOR A FRICKEN JACKET?? Super unfair in my opinion. :/

  2. Wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen
    this line reminds me one of popular Persian Poem by Rumi. It means that the world is ladder and soon or later this ladder will break and fall . so the bones of those who are at the higher steps will break harder.

  3. @Trial
    If you knew anything about Rammstein you’d know they avoid politics. Till said “IF you have to put us in a direction, we are liberal”.

  4. Im Geist getrennt – Separated in mind/spirit
    Im Herz vereint – United in heart

    Du (Du kannst) – You (you can)
    Ich (Ich weiß) – I (I know)
    Wir (Wir sind) – We (We are)
    Ihr (Ihr bleibt) – You (You remain)*

    Überheblich – Overbearing /arrogant
    Überlegen – Superior
    Übernehmen – Assuming
    Übergeben – Surrendering (handing over) or perhaps Consigning / remanding
    Überraschen – Surprising / perhaps also
    Überfallen – Attacking / assaulting

    Man kann dich lieben Und will dich hassen – One can love you and want to hate you

    Will dich lieben und verdammen – I want to love and damn/condemn you

    Wer hoch steigt, der wird tief fallen – Whom rises high, will fall deeply.

    Übermächtig – Overpowering
    Überflüssig – Needless or Redundant**
    Übermenschen – Superhuman
    Überdrüssig – Weary

    * You plural meaning “you all remain”

    ** This was most likely a typo, but I think that redundant seems to be a better fit to the mood of the song.

  5. LOL! I think Till and my Reech have love affairs with their wigs! I love it!!! At least they’re getting good use out of them… lol! ( referencing Reech’s wig he wore in his bands video “Youre so Beautiful” and Till with his grungy straight long hair one from “Mann Gegen Mann” LOVE IT GUYS!! Love you!

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