DAVE BEDLAM: you toured massively with Rammstein, were there any highs or lows?
ANDY LAPLEGUA: the best memory out of everything is that of the friendship and family that we got out of it for us as people as they played arenas every night so they all looked the same, they had their own stage and their own crew down to security they had the same people…the shows themselves go in a blur, they were all good but it’s a blur as most arenas look the same don’t they but it’s behind the stage, you know the social life of being on tour. It was like being a band on tour, it’s wasn’t like this is for Rammstein and we were dicked off into a little closet somewhere, it was like we were on tour together, just like a band it was cool.
Source: PLANETMOSH http://www.planetmosh.com/2011/07/be...andy-laplegua/
ANDY LAPLEGUA: the best memory out of everything is that of the friendship and family that we got out of it for us as people as they played arenas every night so they all looked the same, they had their own stage and their own crew down to security they had the same people…the shows themselves go in a blur, they were all good but it’s a blur as most arenas look the same don’t they but it’s behind the stage, you know the social life of being on tour. It was like being a band on tour, it’s wasn’t like this is for Rammstein and we were dicked off into a little closet somewhere, it was like we were on tour together, just like a band it was cool.
Source: PLANETMOSH http://www.planetmosh.com/2011/07/be...andy-laplegua/