


Based on latest discussions on this forum, and studiing copyright laws, it is necessary to state out new forum mandatory rules, effective immediately, so, here we are.

LINKS TO MUSIC & VIDEOS: what is legal/what is not.
NEW RULES in the forum state:

From now on in our forum users shal NOT POST TOPICS THAT containin the following :
• Requests for or links to MP3s, music videos, or other files of questionable legality
• Bootlegs

So, please do not POST A LINK TO music or videos which does not directly originate from an officially legal site.

An OFFICIALLY LEGAL SITE is: or, universal music, a legitimate music site like MTV or VIVA. The links must be direct and linked only to the approved site. Any links which have copied and transferred the music or videos from an official legal site to ANYWHERE else are NOT OFFICIAL.

• Do not ASK FOR A LINK to music or videos. If there is a legal site for either listening or viewing, xTERNAL will provide the information in the NEWS section of

WHAT YOU CAN DO in the forums: You can DISCUSS a new song or a new video.

WHAT YOU CANNOT DO in the forums: provide illegal links or ask for links, give directions of any kind as to where something might be found (examples: file-sharing, other fansites, etc.). Screen caps will be allowed (within reason) AFTER a video has been made available through an OFFICIAL LEGAL LINK. Fan remixes of songs will be allowed (within reason) after the song has been officially released.

The above restrictions are necessary not because we are being “damn babies” or “. The reason is simply that RAMMSTEIN-EUROPE has made the decision to not be a facilitator of illegal activities involving copyrighted material. The reason for that is also clear. Rammstein’s Management has shown aggressive behaviour in combating copyright infringement.

Anyone who violates the spirit of the aforementioned expansion/explanation of what the RULES mean here as applied to music and videos (and this also includes the "making of videos") will meet up with one of the following consequences:


If you have ANY questions about what may or may not be acceptable here, you can always PM a Moderator and ask first before posting something that might get you in trouble here.

•any links to (or other sharing sites of a similar nature)are generally not allowed.
While some videos like fan made items or spoof animations are allowed, we do not allow linking to youtube. Oftentimes there is/are illegal videos of Rammstein performances to the side of the linked videos. Actual Rammstein Videos which are very illegal to be hosted by that site - therefore we cannot allow links to youtube to be allowed.

So, links to youtube are now allowed - ONLY IF it is a fanmade video by you, and does not contain bootleg footage or footage of live performances or released performances. Stills from photos found on the net are OK. A montage is OK. Clips of released footage are NOT OK.

Please try to understand that sometimes while we may allow a certain individuals fanmade videos, and deny another persons it is usually because the content in it could get the forums in trouble.

Also if some individuals post their fanmade video and it turns out to be bootleg footage that they filmed themselves at a concert and consider that "fanmade" - then we will have to reverse the ruling on allowing fanmade videos PERIOD!

Here is an update on what is considered "fanmade".
Fanmade is fanmade. You did it yourself. Like cut and paste. You creatd everything yourself. No footage filmed by someone else no clips. Still images are OK.
For example:
If you go out and find 6 banana slugs in the yard, dress them up in LAB outfits, and put the skinniest one in a paper boat and play the music to SEEMANN on a kazoo. That is fanmade.

If you have a coverband and you do your own video or you have footage of YOUR band's performance. That is fanmade.

If you have images that you sketched of how you think the video for a song should have been and you put it to music - I think we can allow that.

Use your creativity.


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Rammstein-Beyond The Call Of Duty (Worth checking out....)

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  • Rammstein-Beyond The Call Of Duty (Worth checking out....)

    I went to see R+ for the 1st time this year at the LG Arena, Birmingham. I was looking at the LG arenas rules and FAQ, and noticed that "all letters sent to the performers will be handed over to the band's management, although we cannot guarantee replys", so, having got a card R+ LG arena tour flyer off eBay, i posted it off in a SAE with a letter in English and German.....

    Having watched everything arrive at the LG in trucks, and seeing the soundcheck, i realised how much effort and work went into each show.....No time for anything else....

    Having been at the show was enough for me, the only downer was that i had not enough money/tickets for the other uk shows, i never expected to see my picture again, no worries....

    I got home today from a crappy day at work and an envelope was waiting for me, wierd, in my handwriting? I opened it AND it was my picture fully signed by RAMMSTEIN! I could not believe it. What Top guys to take out the time. (and there were a couple of the official pre-printed autograph cards, nice!)

    I have been collecting autographs since i was a little boy, and this is my most precious. If you like autographs, like me, maybe check out the arenas where the band are playing, and send in original photos, with a post paid envelope.... you never know!

    Rammstein have made my year so good twice now this year!!!

    Vielen Dank.

  • #2
    That is brilliamt and a pleasure to read, sometimes fame goes to peoples heads and they cannot be bothered with things like that for their fans but that proves that there are still caring musicians out there and Rammstein are six of them. I am sure you will treasure your signed picture forever
    The saying is "You dont know what you have got till its gone" the truth is "You know what you had, you just did not know you would lose it" !!


    • #3
      Thanks, RBF, i am just so excited i wanted to share this, the amount of effort R+ put into their shows, i never, NEVER expected a reply, so a million thanks to them!


      • #4
        Fucking amazing!!!!


        • #5
          Great story, dude!
          Dort wo der Horizont
          Sich mit dem Meer verbindet
          Dort wollt' ich auf dich warten
          Auf das du mich dort findest


          • #6
            Well done, and well done to the band too.


            • #7
              I am wrong, the picture is signed fully except for Paul Landers (He must have gone to the toilette), but never mind, it is still my most treasured autographed picture...


              • #8
                ^Whoa, I envy you, great story. They are great human beings.

