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  • Originally posted by EmeraldRose View Post
    There's some sort of fluffy white stuff blowing horizontally outside my window. Clearly it can't be snow because it is nearly May. And is not pollen. :P
    It's the spirit of lost Rammstein DVD's and demons of dead patience haunting your house. They started to visit me a couple of months ago.
    Last edited by Chrisss Nofff; 04-21-2015, 09:58 PM.


    • Originally posted by The Rose View Post
      ^The neighbours are having a pillow-fight?
      I'd be a bit scared of pillows that big!

      Originally posted by Chrisss Nofff View Post
      It's the spirit of lost Rammstein DVD's and demons of dead patience haunting your house. They started to visit me a couple of months ago.
      This is a plausible theory.


      • I am very glad I got the Death Wish Coffee subscription. I went with the bi-weekly one, and now just as I am about to run out of the black ray of sunshine, more arrives magically by mail!


        • I really like my colleagues. To try to catch up at work I had to go in for 5 hours this morning. When I got there, there was a gigantic piece of homemade cake on my desk. That made me smile


          • I missed these posts....
            Wow, they are great.Did you take a photo?

            @Zenika Are you ok?


            • Originally posted by Zenika
              I feel very depressed.
              What's wrong? Are you OK? here's a little hug for you

              @Maya: No I just ate it, I didn't have a camera with me


              • Originally posted by The Rose View Post
                @Maya: No I just ate it, I didn't have a camera with me
                You forgot your mobile .....


                • ^I have an old-school mobile without camera. It just rings and texts, and cost me about 1 Euro per month!


                  • no photos then.


                    • ^ Sorry you are feeling depressed Zenika. I have found coming on here and chatting with people helps when I am feeling depressed or anxious or angry. There are some really good people here. Hope you feel better soon!


                      • I hope you feel better today.


                        • People!

                          How nice of you all to notice my absence and expressing your appreciation toward me . I just read everything (I think) happening here this morning, trying to catch up. Normally I'll be fully operational here from now on, although I see I'm not needed at all to provide info, thoughts and keep things going. But still... I must say I'm a bit touched by your kindness .

                          For those who want to know: my brief checking out had nothing to do with either you guys or other boards, my professional life or some kind of depression. It's a very odd coincidence that my last post happened to be a negative one. At that moment I was just a bit overworked, and to fit the situation I posted a fitting quote (indeed from the song "Dash" by Ron Thal Bumblefoot, well-spotted, Maya ).
                          The day after that I was involved in a train accident. I wasn't hurt badly (just a few scratches and bruises, like the rest of the people in the wagon), but nevertheless I must've bumped my head really hard for I had a severe concussion (not really a concussion apparently, but sth like it). The effect was constant migraine and most important of all partial memory loss and trouble with, well, almost everything. It took me weeks to regain myself, from doing excercices to get my memory back and taking heavy medicine to diminish the headache. Now I'm officially recovered, back to work starting from tomorrow and it's like nothing happened at all .

                          Just posted this here not to ruin Montségur's thread any longer. The next few days I look more into the threads and upcoming exciting events. Stopped the medication now, but still into Skills in Pills (I hate myself already for that joke).

                          The Dark Knight Returns...
                          Dort wo der Horizont
                          Sich mit dem Meer verbindet
                          Dort wollt' ich auf dich warten
                          Auf das du mich dort findest


                          • ^Holy shit, a train accident? Concussion? Fuck!! I'm glad to learn you are recovering well from that, and have a complete recovery. Really, I don't even want to imagine that shit.
                            "Which is better, eternal happiness or a ham sandwich? It would appear that eternal happiness is better, but this is really not so! After all, nothing is better than eternal happiness, and a ham sandwich is certainly better than nothing. Therefore a ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness."

                            - Raymond M. Smullyan


                            • ^^wow, I'm shocked. That was terrible, I'm really glad you are recovered, btw you are needed here, never doubt it.

                              Welcome back, dark knight.


                              • ^^^Holy crap, Batman. That sounds terrible, I'm so glad you're recovering well and hope there will be no lasting side-effects.

