Originally posted by The Rose
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And in the end... but I know that's just me: I do not really really care about people beyond their stage performances too much, especially if it isn't from my top favorite bands. And even than: Axl Rose used to be such a big asshole from time to time, but than he entered the stage and performed top-knotch! I hated many things about him, but a minute later he could pull off a performance beyond comparisson. I reckon I'd still go and see his band if he turns into a tosser again. But again, I know many people wouldn't.
@Snake: it's indeed a contradiction that Joe seems to be the knobhead on the occasions where really can't do that, and in Combichrist, where he isn't just "the guest", he keeps calm. Well-spotted. I guess he just saw his alone performance as his big moment, but it really really wasn't. Especially not if it's just doing remixes.