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  • @ Snake ~ thanks ! It is pretty much crap, any other cop would have just taken the pills or taken me to my house which was less than half a mile away to get the bottle. I'm most worried about the knife, hopefully since I have no priors, it will get thrown out of court. Sometimes in America justice is more about money. A local doctor drove drunk and killed a girl and because he was rich got off. The worst he will get is a year in prison for driving drunk.
    I could get a year in prison too and I didn't kill anyone or drive drunk or even show anyone my knife.
    One reason I made a new facebook is because I have been censoring myself for years cuz my family wanted to be on mine, so as I change my account over I feel a lot more free.


    • Edelweiss, that's a hell of a situation for you! I really hope everything turns out ok..

      I've been really really REALLY busy with the organisation of the dogshow next weekend, today is by birthday so I've taken a day off busyness and I hope I can have some time for myself this afternoon Tonight I'm going out for sushi with some friends so that should be fun

      Weiter, weiter ins Verderben...


      • @ Edelweiss - that doesn't sound too good. I really really really hope everything will get better soon. You'r'e a strong one, you'll survive. (P.s. it was me who added you as a friend yesterday!)
        ''Seitdem ich Guitar Rig 3 benutze, fühlt sich mein Haar viel voller an!'' - Paul Landers


        • Thanks Grover ! Thanks Abendwind ! I thought so, cuz I was like I don't know anyone in Hamburg, then it clicked. Is Hamburg nice ?
          My friend wants me to go to a concert tonite. Its free, but its Salt N Pepa. Ugh.
          Tomorrow I will probably go see Lita Ford, Def Leopard and Poison. Just lawn seats, since I am trying to save $.


          • @ Edelweiss

            Nice to see you back here, have missed our Richard related conversations but then i guess you have had more important things on your mind
            I do hope that it all turns out good for you
            The saying is "You dont know what you have got till its gone" the truth is "You know what you had, you just did not know you would lose it" !!


            • @ Edelweiss, I hope everything turns out okay for you x
              DENN DU BIST, WAS DU ISST.


              • @RBF ~ thanks ! Even pics of Reesh weren't cheering me up. I miss our Reesh convos too. I'm still not 100% but if everything works out I will be fine I am sure.
                @CW ~ Thanks.
                I will let everyone know what happens.

                I got out of going downtown. My friend was running late, she just said she lost her bank card and id, I asked her if someone used it and she doesn't know. I told her to check. I pray she finds them, cuz that is so stressful. Now I have to ask my other friend about tomorrow.


                • @Edelweiss, my picture I had taken of Richard didn't cheer you up? .
                  and I hope the best turns out for you, I really do. I will try to text you tonight, I have stuff to rant about x)
                  And Abendwind, how is Hamburg??? I sure miss it! I don't think I will be able to make it in December university has taken away basically all of my money...but I have enough miles to make a free US flight so I am debating whether to visit Florida, Washington, or Washington DC.
                  other than that, I had a shitty doctors appointment today and work and now I am home just doing Rammstein related things


                  • @ Edelweiss - Yeah, Hamburg is great! I'm really enjoying my time here.

                    @ rammsteingirl527 - Oh dang. Well I hope Chris can visit you then! It's going great here, still nothing to complain about. Tonight I'm going out with a group of friends.
                    ''Seitdem ich Guitar Rig 3 benutze, fühlt sich mein Haar viel voller an!'' - Paul Landers


                    • Just back from Berlin! Had a great time over there, walked untill I couldn't go any further, but it was all worth it. I'll have to back one day to finish it.
                      Dort wo der Horizont
                      Sich mit dem Meer verbindet
                      Dort wollt' ich auf dich warten
                      Auf das du mich dort findest


                      • ^That's great, maybe you can share some pics as RG527 did, never been to Berlin yet, is in my list of places to visit. Great you had fun.


                        • I had taken over 3000 pictures while I was in Germany...x) I would share them all if I could!!!


                          • ^I'll keep it in mind to upload some pics, even if only to convince people they should add Berlin to their wanting list !

                            I didn't reach 3000 photos, as I was travelling with my brother and he even got a bit annoyed by all me constantly photographing. Luckely I got more than enough out of it anyway to remember the whole thing into details.
                            Dort wo der Horizont
                            Sich mit dem Meer verbindet
                            Dort wollt' ich auf dich warten
                            Auf das du mich dort findest


                            • You must show us some


                              • I will for sure just let me figure out how to work it out on here x)

