Rammstein Guitarist Emigrates To NYC For New Project


EmigrateIt was hard enough for Rammstein guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe to leave his friends and daughter in Berlin and relocate to New York to write an album for his side project, Emigrate. The last thing he needed was for the house he moved into to be haunted.

The residence, a former firehouse in SoHo, apparently revealed its spiritual energies to Kruspe soon after he set up his home studio there. He says the burglar alarm went off repeatedly without being triggered, tiny holes appeared in his window without explanation, and his girlfriend had to move out after just two weeks because she felt so unsettled by the house’s vibe.

“I went online to research the history of the house, and I found a picture of it from 1874,” Kruspe said a week before heading back to Germany to continue work on the next Rammstein album, which doesn’t have a name yet. “I printed it up, and when I looked closely at it, I got goose bumps all over my body. The picture is of three guys standing outside the building, and one of them looks exactly like me.”

Read the whole story at vh1.com (source), picture: Broede, Motor Music


  1. isnt it tru that ppl from the past look like us?

    i mean u know the whole riencarnation shit nd all?

    cud b wat hes seen…

    or maybe sum1 photo edited the picture…

    u neva know…

    nd the whole alarm thing, nefin cud set it off…

    animals u know…

    or just being old nd stuff…

    the holes in the windows tho…

    bit odd but ok…

    i hope ric aint losin it…

    cuz dat wud b the worst thing eva…

    hope ur ok nd nufin bad hapns 2 ya…

    xoxox =)


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